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We analyze the main market indicators and forecast the prices of cryptocurrencies with precision up
to 95%

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For the whole period based on 6715 forecasts

75% Success

25% Failure

On last 2 weeks based on 339 forecasts

84% Success

16% Failure

You can choose a specific date you are interested in or view the history for the whole period. On the right side of each card, we show the recommendation status: successful / failure.

Subscription benefits Premium

Blockchain Screener

Watch the transactions of large bitcoin wallets and get information about how they affect the cryptocurrency price.

Personal notifications

Get in telegram or e-mail any changes in the life of cryptocurrencies that affect their price.

TOP 10 wallets

subscribe to the largest wallets of exchanges, legendary wallets, wallets with a special impact on the price of BTC.

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Blockchain Screener

Get alerts about the increase and decrease in cryptocurrency rates based on the statistics.

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Well-reasoned trading recommendations are given in a concise and clear manner


Individual approach

Every user has a personal account where he/she can add any assets from TOP-100 and track them.

You can also activate push-notifications.


We keep transparent records of all recommendations with their outcome.


User-friendly interface.

Projections on selected assets are displayed on the control panel and always on hand.

What our projections are based on

The exchange rates projections and trade recommendations are based on the analyses of 5 principal aspects of the crypto market:

Blockchain Screener

is a key tool of fundamental analysis of the major cryptocurrency, which allows evaluating how any BTC-wallet or transaction impacts the crypto market.

Whenever there is a transaction of over 500 BTC in the blockchain, the platform instantly processes all transactions of the wallets, which participate in the deal, and calculates how an asset price has been changed after the transaction is completed.

The results are displayed on the control panel as a separate event and influence the cryptocurrency recommendations. Additionally, users can see the level of any BTC-wallet influence on the market by selecting it on the platform.

Blockchain screener predicts the change in the exchange rate of cryptocurrencies when making a transaction
500 BTC

GitHub Analysis

Github analysis shows one of the most important indicators of decentralised cryptocurrency projects performance.

By analyzing a total amount and frequency of changes in the world leading software development platform, we find the projects with a high correlation between activity level on Github and token price, and communicate them in advance to our users.

When a project is very active in terms of development, the platform generates the projections of its token price movement. The control panel displays a percentage variance in the number of updates, and based on this information we give recommendations.

Community Analysis

Community analysis allows us to define which tokens get more attention from the crypto community, to document an increase in interest level and to determine the mood of the market players to the crypto projects.

This information is automatically processed by the platform and significantly impacts the generation of trading recommendations.

    The level of influence is defined by:
  1. increasing or decreasing amount of mentions about the token in social networks;
  2. emotional color of the messages - negative, positive, or neutral.

Index of Fear and Greed level

The Behavior of the crypto market players is very emotional. People become greedy when the market is growing which leads to the so-called FOMO «Fear Of Missing Out», a syndrome of missed profit.

Moreover, people often sell their tokens followed by an irrational reaction to receding currency rates. We have developed an index that documents a current level of fear and greed which will help to make measured decisions in time.

Technical Analysis

Technical analysis allows our platform to define the current price conditions as well as the most important technical market indicators with very high precision.

Taking into consideration several fundamental factors, we can evaluate the market situation and suggest when it is the right time to buy crypto in order not to end up in “a market bubble” or a long trend of market recession.

Such recommendations are displayed on the control panel. For example, if the price has determined all technical conditions for the least risky trading, we will inform you about it in time.

For whom it will be useful

Our platform will help to achieve the best results both for professional traders and new users.

Are you a new user without enough experience?

Use the platform as a foundation for trading decision-taking.

We will give you transparent recommendations when to buy and what to buy based on real events and examples.

All projections are recorded so you can always refer to them later.

We help beginners to earn money on the cryptocurrency market.
+1000 XRP

Are you an experienced player?

Use STIPS|Oculus Platform as an additional working tool.

If you have some doubts in some specific situation or you don’t know how to deal with an open trading position - get extra up-to-date information and refer to our projections.


The team has 5 IT-specialists in Big Data & Machine Learning sphere as well as 3 financial analysts.

More than 2 years

The team of high-level professionals has been working on STIPS|Oculus development for more than 2 years.

In 2019 our team was awarded an IBM grant.

Co-founders have 10-year experience of working in investment and financial departments of Russian and international companies: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Managing Company Aton and other leading financial companies, where the volume of assets of their clients was over $150 million.

Our team is proud of its experts in financial markets with CFA international certificates as well as degreed financial analysts. CFA Institute Certificates prove exclusive knowledge in the financial sector.


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to 95%

We help beginners to earn money on the cryptocurrency market.

We simplify the work of professional crypto traders and investors.